Java Industrial Training - Course Contents
- Why Java
- Paradigms
- Diff b/w Java & Other (C,C++)
- Java history
- Java features
- Java First Program
Language Fundamentals
- Identifiers
- Reserved Words
- Data Types
- Literals
- Type of variables
- Arrays
- main method
- var-arg method
- Command Line arguments
- Java coding Standards
String Manipulations
- String
- String Buffer
- String Tokenizer
Operators & Assignments
- increment & decrement operators
- arithmetic operators
- string concatenation operators
- Relational operators
- Equality operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Logical operators
- instance of operators
- assignment operators
- new operators
Interface and Abstract Class
- Introduction
- declaring interface
- interface methods
- interface variables
- naming conflicts in interface
- declaring abstract class
- declared methods
- define variables
Flow Control
- Introduction
- Selection Statements
- Iterative statements
- Transfer statements
- this
- super
Declaration and access control
- Introduction
- java source file structure
- class modifiers
- member modifiers
- Introduction to all predefined package
- User Defined Packages
- Access Specifiers
- Class
- Object
- data hiding
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Pure Encapsulated Class
- Polymorphism
- Over Loading
- Over Riding
- Constructors
- Is A Relationship(Inheritance)
- Has A Relationship
- Instance Control flow
- Static control flow
- Method hiding
- Type Casting
Exception Handling
- Introduction
- Real time Stack Mechanism
- Default Exception Handling
- Exception Hierarchy
- Customized Exception Handling by using try-catch
- Control flow in try-catch
- Methods to print Exception Information
- try with Multiple catch block
- finally blocks
- difference between final & finally & finalized
- control flow in try catch and finally
- various combinations of try catch finally
- throw keywords
- throws keywords
- Top 10 Exceptions
Multi Threading
- Introduction
- Defining Instantiating starting the Thread
- Getting and Setting name of the Thread
- Thread Priorities
- Method to prevent Thread Execution
- Synchronized
- Inter Thread Communication
- Deadlock
- Demon Thread
I/O Streams
- Introduction
- File
- FileReader and FileWriter
- BufferWriter and BufferReader
- PrintWriter
- Serialization
Collection Frame Work
- Introduction
- Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
- List interface
- Set interface
- Map interface
- Property
- Hashtable
- Curser
- Comparable
- Comparator
- Arrays
- Collections
Inner Classes
- Introduction
- Member inner class
- Static inner class
- Local inner class
- Anonymous inner class
Wrapper Classes
- Introduction
- Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean classes.
- Introduction Diff b/w awt and swing
- Components hierarchy
- Panels
- Individual Swings components Jlabel
- JButton, JTextField, JTextAres.
- Servlet Interface
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Servlet Config
- Servlet Context
- Servlet Communication
Java Regex API and Reflection API
- Introduction
- Jsp LifeCycle
- Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes
- Jsp Directives
- page
- include
- taglib
Jsp Scripting Elements
- declaratives
- scriptlets
- expressions
JSP Actions
- Standard Actions
- useBean tag
- setProperty tag
- getProperty tag
- include tag
- forward tag
- param tag
- plug-in tag
- params tag
- fallback tag
- directives tag
- scriptlet tag
- expression tag
Servlet-Browser Communication Database Connectivity
- Statement
- Prepared Statement
- Callable Statement
- Result Set