SME Courses
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Join For FreePHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
PHP is a server-side scripting language used on the vast majority of the most popular websites on the internet. PHP works hand-in-hand with front-end languages and technologies, like HTML or CSS, which define how a website looks to users in terms of fonts and all other elements of page design. PHP also has support for most of the web servers today. This includes Apache, IIS and many others. PHP has the ability to generate HTML, loop over sections of content based on conditions, and ask the computer questions and similar programming functions.
PHP Industrial Training - Course Contents
- Introduction to HTML
- Html Basic Tag
- HTML Image
- Hyperlink
- HTML List
- HTML Table
- HTML Div
- HTML Frame
- HTML Forms
- HTML Font
- Marquee Tag and Various Other Tags and Features
- Introduction to HTML5
- HTML5 Doc Type
- New Structure Tags
- Section
- Nav
- Article
- Aside
- Header
- Footer
- New Media Tags
- Audio and Video tags
- Introduction to CSS
- CSS Background
- HTML Image
- CSS Padding
- CSS Border
- CSS Float
- CSS Links
- CSS Text
- CSS Outline
- Introduction to CSS 3
- Basic CSS3 Selectors
- Advanced CSS3 Selectors
- New CSS3 Properties
- CSS Rounded Corners
- Text Shadow Property
- Text Stroke Property
- CSS Gradients
- Opacity
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Introducing variables objects
- Document Object,
- Introduction to Event Handlers
- Form Validations
- Slider Effects
- JavaScript Transition Effects
- Introduction and Installation
- Syntax
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Events
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery Animation
Core PHP
- PHP Introduction
- PHP Basic
- How to Install PHP
- Basic Syntax of PHP
- PHP Variables & Data Type
- Regular Expressions
- PHP Operators
- PHP Arrays
- String Handing in PHP
- Session And Cookie
- PHP Function
- PHP Forms
- File Handing
- PHP $Get Method
- PHP $ Post Method
- Server Method
- Request Method
- File Upload
- Form Action
- Form Based Query
- Form Validation
- Introduction to MYSQL
- Creating MYSQL Connection
- Creating Database & Tables
- MYSQL Queries
- Data types in SQL
- MYSQL select
- Maintain data in a table by using: INSERT, UPDATE statement, DELETE statement
- Use Where
- Use wild cards
- Use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL keywords
- Use the ORDER BY clause
- Use the DISTINCT keyword
- Use aggregate functions in queries
- Viewing database
- Deleting database
- Renaming database
- Insert rows into tables
- Delete tables
- Altering tables
- Backup of database etc
Advance PHP
- Object oriented Programming with PHP
- Class and Object
- Public, Private, Protected Modifiers
- Constructors and Destructors
- Patterns
- Magic Methods
- Inheritance and Interfaces
- Polymorfism