12 Months Java Training in Lucknow

The most popular programming language is Java, which is also a computing platform. Softflew Training Institute offers the best 12 Months Java Training in Lucknow. Numerous mobile and desktop applications use Java, which is relatively simple to learn. This course will cover many Java tools that will make learning Java simple for you. Learning Java can generally be helpful if you're considering a career in IT.

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12 Months Java Training in Lucknow

Java Industrial Training - Course Contents


Language Fundamentals

String Manipulations

Operators & Assignments

Interface and Abstract Class

Flow Control


Declaration and access control



Exception Handling

Multi Threading

I/O Streams

Collection Frame Work

Inner Classes

Wrapper Classes



Java Regex API and Reflection API

Jsp Scripting Elements

JSP Actions

Servlet-Browser Communication Database Connectivity

Project in Swings with MVC Pattern

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